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The Maze Runner series

(This blog contains just enough to make someone interested, but if you're already planning on reading the Maze Runner, skip this review.) 
     The Maze runner is an action packed five book series written by James Dashner. If you enjoy sci-fi and thrills, this book is for you. The first book starts with a boy trapped in a black elevator which is rising and shaking. The boy is devoid of all memory, and doesn't even remember his name. After some time the elevator arrives at the Glade, a big green space surrounded by gigantic stone walls. There are many other boys who also don't remember their previous lives, and they introduce the green been to his new life. The boy soon remembers his name as Thomas. He quickly adapts to the life in the Glade, and becomes a runner, which means he runs in the maze trying to find an exit. 
    With the appearance of Thomas, many strange things started to happen. The first girl appeared, and was in a coma. In a few days the sky turned gray, and the walls stopped closing at night, making the Gladers vulnerable to the monsters which come out after dark. Finally, Thomas and his friends devised a plan, and escaped the maze, with a great majority of them dying in the process. 
    After escaping they found out the truth about the maze. The world was in catastrophe, with sun flares which drastically effected the world climate, and gave people the Flare, a highly contagious virus which slowly drove the host mad, and made them loose everything that made them human. All governments joined together to make the organization WICKED, with the goal to find a cure for the Flare. WICKED forcefully took children from their families to do experiments on them, including sending them to a maze. 
    During the first three books Thomas and his friends fight against WICKED, trying to gain freedom, but it always turns out to be part of WICKED's experiment. At the end the Gladers finally defeat WICKED and make a life of their own. The fourth and fifth books are prequels to the first three. The fourth book happens before Thomas is even born, while the fifth book is about young Thomas helping WICKED design the maze. The fifth book answers all of the questions, making the first three books fall into place.
    The Maze Runner is a great series, and is my favorite set of books. I would recommend this to anyone, but the series occasionally contains great violence, so don't read this if you're the kind of person who faints from seeing blood.

- Lenny


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