(PT1) An Increasingly Annoying Retelling of Beauty and the Beast

 An Increasingly Annoying Retelling of Beauty and the Beast (PT1)

Hello everyone!

Currently, I’m reading a book titled A Curse So Dark and Lonely. This book is perfectly annoying. There’s nothing really bad, but some decisions in the book just really annoy me. To me, it’s kind of like starting a hard project. You know it’s hard to do, but you still want to finish it. I’ll explain why I feel this way.

A Curse So Dark and Lonely has two main characters: Rhen and Harper. Rhen (male) is a prince who lives in Emberfall, a magical realm that is under a curse. Harper (female) lives in Washington D.C. The story begins with Harper trying to save a woman from being kidnapped. This ends up getting her trapped in Emberfall because the kidnapper ends up going for Harper instead of his original victim. Harper has family in Washington D.C., but the people in Emberfall are suffering. In this story, she has had an opportunity to go back but she stays because she saves Rhen from some pain. I find this really noble, and it show a lot of kindness and generos-

One moment, I’m going to stop here. The first two hundred twenty-seven pages in this book annoys me. (Note: That’s how many pages I’ve read so far.) So you’re telling me, we get FIVE pages of Harper’s normal life… then it’s all gone? Then after she got KIDNAPPED, she wants to stay? Why? Why? Why? While you may contradict me by saying it’s because she feels sorry that Rhen is under a curse… let me tell you this: he’s been under a curse for more than three hundred seasons. (Note: Every season, he tries to break the curse with a new woman) So, according to the book, this guy, Rhen, has been with more than THREE HUNDRED WOMEN and cannot find ONE person to love him? Honestly that sounds like his problem. Harper should leave and go back to her family. Speaking of her family, her mother has cancer, and her brother is dealing something (it’s not specified, but you know what I’m talking about) because her father messed with loan sharks. While ALL OF THIS is happening, she’s staying in a realm because she wants to help people she’s known for two weeks. It’s so silly.

Despite all of this… I’m still going to read the book. Even though the character decisions don’t make any sense, and the character development is so slow it’s painful… I’m going to finish. Why? I have no idea. Maybe because it’s addicting to read a book I dislike. I don’t know. I’ll probably do a part two to this when I finish it.

Overall… I hate this book; but I also like to hate on it at the same time. Which leads me to read it even though I don’t like it. Don’t start reading this book if you like hating a book. Start reading this book if you can stop yourself. If you don’t know what to do now, just don’t read this book. It’s not a good decision, just like drugs. ANYWAYS…

I hope you enjoyed my review!

Until next time…




  1. Hi Marshall, I liked reading your blog post, and I know exactly how it feels to love to hate something, if it's a book or not. I was really entertained by your description of the book, so I'm gonna have to check it out myself, mainly to see how truly annoying it is, but also that the plot seems pretty unique and new, at least for me. Great job overall!

  2. Marshall, that was a very entertaining book post. In the beginning, that was definitely a great hook; showed that although you found it annoying, you still had particular reason to do so, and that really motivated this read for me. Additionally, you had a great and concise summary that really did tie up to the end-point at hand really well, and in the end - SHEEEESH you completely roasted this Rhen guy. 300?? And not one did he earn their love?? Yeah, that sounds like a them problem.

  3. This was a really funny blog post. I enjoyed the way you formatted it and cut yourself off mid phrase. I also love hate reading books. I think sometimes being able to complain and roll your eyes about an irritating section of a book is the most entertaining part of reading. I also totally agree with your comment that the main character forgetting all their goals, ambitions and other people they care about in favor of the brooding love interest is unrealistic. Many books I have read, especially romance books, are like this and I find it so irritating.


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