Wink, Poppy, Midnight

Hi everyone! Over the summer I read Wink, Poppy, Midnight by April Genevieve Tucholke. It was gifted to me by my aunt. I had never heard of this book before receiving it but the last time my aunt gifted me a book I ended up really enjoying it so I had high expectations for this one and it was actually really good!

The main characters of the book are in the title. Wink is a weird, quirky teenager. She has 7 siblings and they live in the countryside. She believes in fairy tales and silly little stories. Poppy is the popular girl at their high school. She is extremely rude and selfish. Her parents are both doctors and she's an only child, so her family is very rich. Midnight, at the beginning of the book, is dating Poppy. Midnight is not nearly as popular as Poppy, and also much more kind, but they both still “dated”. Poppy was mainly just using Midnight and didn’t really like him but Midnight went along with it because he basically worshiped her. Finally after about a year, Midnight broke things off when he moved. He didn’t move far, only about 2 miles, but he moved into the house right across from Winks. They started hanging out but Poppy couldn’t stand that the weird girl caught the attention from the guy who used to be obsessed with her. So, she began to target Wink to try and win back Midnight. However, the romance is not the main thing to remember, the main thing to remember is that Poppy is trying to get back at Wink for “taking” Midnight. In the end, it does all backfire, but I can’t explain that without spoiling the story. This story doesn’t just have one thing to focus on because it switches between the point of views of three main characters and they are all focused on different things. In the end, you do get to see more everything come together. This book can be a little confusing at times because all the characters speak in a sort of vague way and there are things that don’t get explained right away.

This book had me hooked the entire time, mainly because there were things that were hinted at, but not fully expanded on, so I kept reading to understand everything. I’m not sure how to categorize this book without spoiling it, but it definitely is some sort of mystery. There are times it can be confusing but over time, it all gets tied together.

One of the most interesting things about this book is how Wink constantly references how in stories there is a villain and a hero. At the beginning, it may be easy to tell who is who, but over time the line is blurred between villain and hero, for all three of the main characters.

The ending was a bit confusing for me at first because it was a little fast paced (in my opinion). It wasn’t a bad ending, I think it really contributed well to the story, it just caught me by surprise. I don’t think I could have guessed what was going to come out of the story. 

This story may be all over the place at times, but I really did enjoy it. If you are interested in these types of stories with multiple points of views, mystery, and a variety of personalities, I think you could really enjoy this book! It isn’t that long, it is about 247 pages. Overall, this book is good and I would recommend it!



  1. Oooh this book sounds really interesting! I like how you point out that the characters start off with a clear stance on who is a hero and who is a a villain, but slowly through the story the lines start to blur. I love stories that have dynamic characters where no one character is entirely good or bad, so this book sounds really good! The relationships between the characters and their interactions also sound very intriguing. I definitely will add this book to my TBR. Thanks for the great review!

  2. That was a nice hook at the beginning on how everything would backfire! This book definitely sounds like a large tangle and mess of love, anger, and jealousy, emotions wrapping together to make a distinctive novel. Sounds interesting, and the way you put this blog together definitely fits!

  3. (Comment written by Naomi)
    Hi Sofia! The book sounds interesting and you definitely got me hooked with the explanation you gave about who they are and what goes on in the story. I personally enjoy books where you can see the POV of multiple characters, so I will definitely check this out sometime! Thanks for the recommendation!


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